10 Compelling Realizations I've Made While Working In An Architecture Firm

10. Firms come in all shapes and sizes

Previously, all the firms I visited were located in commercial buildings. So when I arrived for my interview at Shelterbelt, with their entrance located in a residential backyard, I was convinced I was trespassing on someone's private property. What I've come to find out, is that not only can a firm be in a house but it can also thrive with only two people. 


9. You have to track everything!

Tracking every detail and task is crucial for the business to know exactly how to bill clients and understand productivity.


8. save! save! save! 

I was sitting at my desk about to save when the screen went black! I had kicked the charge chord free from the outlet. Technical problems happen all the time so obsessively save your work! 


7. Floor plans need some getting used to

At first construction documents can be very overwhelming, just hang in there. Things will start to make sense the more you practice and observe. 


6. Obey the code

There is a standard for designing buildings -- so don't make it up. The International Building Code (IBC) is a slog but regulates all aspects of buildings for health and safety.


5. Be able to wear multiple hats

Everyday I wear the drafting hat, the marketing hat, the errands hat, the research hat, the 'whatever else they come up with' hat, and, of course, my favorite baseball cap. 


4. Collaboration is fun



When everyone's ideas are considered, you reap the rewards of inspiration. We recently created a collage that featured everyone's input; it was a ton of fun!


3. Just go for it

I was really interested in learning more about architecture. When I saw a job posting for an architectural internship I knew this was going to be a great opportunity. I applied, interviewed, and here I am writing a blog about my experience thus far. Jumping into new fields can be intimidating, but don't let that stop you from entering new territory and learning what you want to know. 


2. Be Patient & Persistent

Not only do you have to learn and know certain programs, you also have to learn the firm's standards within those programs -- and different firms will have different standards. It can be challenging to remember and follow every specific standard, however with patience, persistence, and determination you will get by. 


1. Writing is a part of everything

This has been one of the most important and challenging aspects of my internship at ShelterBelt. Communication, in all fields, is key to growth and success – especially design – so get writing!

About the Author...


Derek Dozbaba

I was born and raised in Iowa, moved around with my family to Pennsylvania and have lived in Colorado for the past 7 years. Moving has allowed me to be exposed to so many different aspects of life, and has shaped me into a passionate individual who loves art, design and is always open for a new adventure!

Backyard Barrels & the Bramble of Zuni

There it stood; a green tangled, mess. Like Medusa on a bad hair day, one look and you’d turn to stone. Overtaking the monstrosity was deemed impossible. It heavily guarded the back entrance of 4410, intimidating all passersby like the Balrog from Moria. This harrowing existence had to be defeated. With the power of his chainsaw, Brian slayed the giant hedge, dismantling its reign and revealing an old, glass-embedded birdbath and water pump. With the Bramble of Zuni now conquered, reclamation was in order. The backyard was to be rejuvenated into a retreat and social haven for ShelterBelt Design's employees, clients, friends, and family for the rest of time... 

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Planting The Seeds. The Intent & Desires of ShelterBelt Design.

Before starting her own architecture firm in September of 2015, Nicole Delmage had a great understanding and idea of what starting her own firm would look like. The original direction and culture of the new firm was to be founded on building valuable relationships and providing exceptional design. Since opening the door to ShelterBelt Design, that vision has come a long way, evolving and expanding to many more horizons than initially anticipated.

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The United States' Collection of Belts: Belt Regions of the U.S.

Image of the 'Corn Belt' Image Credit: dakotafire.net

Image of the 'Corn Belt' Image Credit: dakotafire.net

Our last blog discussed a brief history of shelterbelts in the United States; however, shelterbelts are not the only 'belts' in the U.S. There are over 20 different regions that use the 'belt' terminology to describe climatic, economic, and cultural concentrations.

The 'belt' terminology was first used to describe particular growing regions along the same line of latitude. These regions typically had similar climates, producing the best conditions for certain plant species to thrive (a popular example would be the Coffee Belt along the Equator). Since then, this terminology has been applied to other cultural concentrations in the United States. This list is quite fascinating, in our opinion, marking fertile lands, definite climatic regions, industrial booms, dark historical periods, and distinct cultural presence.





Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_belt...